Settings description
Setting | Description |
OutFileName | Address of the output file |
AutoFlushOpt | Option to pass to ROOT TTrees SetAutoFlush function |
AutoSaveOpt | Option to pass to ROOT TTrees SetAutoSave function |
NEvents | Number of events to be run |
Multiplicity settings
Setting | Description |
MultType | Multiplicity distribution (possible options: kConst, kCustom and kUniform) |
MultConst | Number of generated particles per event (only used if MultType is set to kConst) |
MultFile | Address of the file containing the multiplicity distribution (only used if MultType is set to kConst) |
MultHistoName | Addres of histogram inside MultFile |
MultRange | Only used if MultType is set to kUniform or kCustom, sets the multiplicity range of the events (set to null if one doesn’t want to set a range for custom distribution) |
Angular distribution settings
Setting | Description |
DistrType | Angular distribution (possible options: kConst, kCustom and kUniform) |
DistrConst | Vector containing direction of all the particles created in the simulation (only used if DistrType is set to kConst) |
DistrFile | Address of the file containing the pseudorapidity distribution (only used if MultType is set to kCustom) |
DistrHisto | Address of histogram inside DistrFile |
SaveEta | Boolean option to save $ \eta$ distribution of generated particles |
SavePhi | Boolean option to save $ \vartheta$ distribution of generated particles |
Vertex dispersion settings
Setting | Description |
DistrTypeZ | Z distribution (possible options: kGaus and kUniform) |
RangeZ | Used if MultType is set to both kUniform and kGaus, sets the Z range of the events (set to null if one doesn’t want to set a range for gaussian distribution) |
SigmaZ | Z dispersion for gaussian distribution |
SigmaX | X dispersion for gaussian distribution |
SigmaY | Y dispersion for gaussian distribution |
Material budgets settings
Setting | Description |
IsDetector | List for choosing whether the layer detects particles or not |
Radii | List of radii of the material budgets |
Thickness | List of thicknesses of the material budgets |
Lenght | List of lenghts of the material budgets |
Material | List of materials of the material budgets |
DoMultScattering | Enables multiple scattering |
DoSmearing | Enables smearing |
DoNoise | Enables noise |
MeanNoise | Mean number of noise per event |
Verbose: Sets verbosity
Setting | Description |
OutFileName | Address of the output file |
TreeFileName | Name of the TTree with the simulation output |
Det1HitsBranch | Name of the branch with reconstructed hits on first layer |
Det2HitsBranch | Name of the branch with reconstructed hits on second layer |
ConfigBranch | Name of the branch containing the events informations |
Detectors | Name of the Detectors object |
SaveHistoResVsMult | Boolean option to save histograms from which resolution vs multiplicity is evaluated |
SaveHistoResVsZTrue | Boolean option to save histograms from which resolution vs $Z_{vertex}$ is evaluated |
MaxPhi | Maximum phi interval for reconstructing the tracklets |
nSigmaZ | Only candidates generated within nSigmaZ $\sigma_{Z}$ from the detector’s centre are used to evalaute the efficiency and the resolution |