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Settings description


Setting Description
OutFileName Address of the output file
AutoFlushOpt Option to pass to ROOT TTrees SetAutoFlush function
AutoSaveOpt Option to pass to ROOT TTrees SetAutoSave function
NEvents Number of events to be run

Multiplicity settings

Setting Description
MultType Multiplicity distribution (possible options: kConst, kCustom and kUniform)
MultConst Number of generated particles per event (only used if MultType is set to kConst)
MultFile Address of the file containing the multiplicity distribution (only used if MultType is set to kConst)
MultHistoName Addres of histogram inside MultFile
MultRange Only used if MultType is set to kUniform or kCustom, sets the multiplicity range of the events (set to null if one doesn’t want to set a range for custom distribution)

Angular distribution settings

Setting Description
DistrType Angular distribution (possible options: kConst, kCustom and kUniform)
DistrConst Vector containing direction of all the particles created in the simulation (only used if DistrType is set to kConst)
DistrFile Address of the file containing the pseudorapidity distribution (only used if MultType is set to kCustom)
DistrHisto Address of histogram inside DistrFile
SaveEta Boolean option to save $ \eta$ distribution of generated particles
SavePhi Boolean option to save $ \vartheta$ distribution of generated particles

Vertex dispersion settings

Setting Description
DistrTypeZ Z distribution (possible options: kGaus and kUniform)
RangeZ Used if MultType is set to both kUniform and kGaus, sets the Z range of the events (set to null if one doesn’t want to set a range for gaussian distribution)
SigmaZ Z dispersion for gaussian distribution
SigmaX X dispersion for gaussian distribution
SigmaY Y dispersion for gaussian distribution

Material budgets settings

Setting Description
IsDetector List for choosing whether the layer detects particles or not
Radii List of radii of the material budgets
Thickness List of thicknesses of the material budgets
Lenght List of lenghts of the material budgets
Material List of materials of the material budgets
DoMultScattering Enables multiple scattering
DoSmearing Enables smearing
DoNoise Enables noise
MeanNoise Mean number of noise per event

Verbose: Sets verbosity


Setting Description
OutFileName Address of the output file
TreeFileName Name of the TTree with the simulation output
Det1HitsBranch Name of the branch with reconstructed hits on first layer
Det2HitsBranch Name of the branch with reconstructed hits on second layer
ConfigBranch Name of the branch containing the events informations
Detectors Name of the Detectors object
SaveHistoResVsMult Boolean option to save histograms from which resolution vs multiplicity is evaluated
SaveHistoResVsZTrue Boolean option to save histograms from which resolution vs $Z_{vertex}$ is evaluated
MaxPhi Maximum phi interval for reconstructing the tracklets
nSigmaZ Only candidates generated within nSigmaZ $\sigma_{Z}$ from the detector’s centre are used to evalaute the efficiency and the resolution